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Changes related to version

Connectors improvements

  • BE Orange bank: move to 180 days consent;
  • BE Beobank: finalizing account information was failing under certain circonstance;
  • IT Mediolanum: fixed the error when the bank is sending an unexpected empty IBAN string ("") for Debtor in payment detail answer. We send back null or IBAN, no empty string ("");
  • IT Crédit Agricole: fixed wrong payment product. Now follow type is redirect;
  • ANDBANK, Banca March, Banco Cooperativo Español, Banco Mediolanum, Banco Pichincha, Banco Sabadell, Bankinter, BBVA, Caixa Popular, Caixa Rural Benicarlo, Caixa Rural Galega, Caixabank, Caja Arquitectos, Caja Rural, Cajamar, Cajasiete, Cajasur, Cajaviva, Colonya, Eurocaja Rural, EVO Banco, Fiare Bancaetica, Globalcaja, Ibercaja, Kutxabank, Laboral Kutxa, Openbank, Renta4, Ruralnostra, Unicaja Banco:
    fixde the error "temporarily_unavailable";
  • BBVA: created connector for IT, PT, FR and BE.