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These docs are for v4.0.8. Click to read the latest docs for v4.0.24.


Changes related to version

Connector improvements

  • EU Deutsche Bank: fix for AdditionalPropertiesRequested & regex templates.
  • ES KutxaBank: add a PSU information that the instant payment is only supported for Spanish creditor.
  • BE BeoBank: add debtor name in payment detail from finalize or status
  • ES: ANDBANK, Banca March, Banco Cooperativo Español, Banco Mediolanum, Banco Pichincha, Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Bankia, Bankinter, Bankoa, Caixa Popular, Caixa Rural Benicarlo, Caixa Rural Galega, Caixabank, Caja Arquitectos, Caja Rural *, Cajamar, Cajasiete, Cajasur, Cajaviva, Colonya, Eurocaja Rural, EVO Banco, Fiare Bancaetica, Globalcaja, Ibercaja, Inversis, Kutxabank, Laboral Kutxa, Openbank, Renta4, Ruralnostra, Self Bank, Unicaja Banco, Wi Zink
    add debtor name in payment detail from finalize or status
  • ES, IT, FR, PT, BE BBVA: add debtor name in payment detail from finalize or status
  • IT: Banca Nacional del Lavoro, Banca WIDIBA Spa, Banco BPM, Banco di Sardegna S.p.A., BancoPosta, BancoPosta Business, BNL Corporate, BPER, BPER Business, Credit Agricole Cariparma, Credit Agricole Cariparma business, Credit Agricole FriulAdria, Credit Agricole FriulAdria business, Credito Emiliano, Credito Emiliano Business, Credito Valtellinese Spa , Hello Bank, Isybank S.P.A., Webank
    • add debtor name in payment detail from finalize or status.
    • We have extended the cases where we are returning RETRY from finalize. Since the bank is working asynchronously, you have to call again the finalize one or more seconds later while you have RETRY.
  • IT BPER: added instant payement. It is now mandatory to provide the user agent from your client's browser data in the field paymentInitiationRequest.psuUserAgent of your request. See detail below.
  • Debtor currency set to required for bulk payments in all Bulk enabled connectors.
  • LU: enrich account detail where possible.
  • BE BNP, HelloBank, Fintro: enrich account detail where possible.
  • ES Cajamar, Cajasur, Ibercaja Kutxabank, March, Unicaja, WiZink
    Return the transactions in the right order, meaning the newest transaction first.
  • GR NBG: released for testing
  • BE Triodos: adapt the amount sign in the returned transactions
  • FR Crédit Mutuel: fix error getting second page of transactions
  • BE VDK: consent is not 180 days
  • Fix for empty SdkStatus (Error categories) and CallId in returned data in case of error that is already categorized
  • In get transactions, new boolean nullable field PossibleHole added for each transaction. False by default, it is true when there might be missing transactions between this transaction and the next (older) one. It may happen if the consent is lost for too long and that we are not able to cover the gap to the last fetched. Only in gateway mode, in TPP/Direct mode, it will be always null.
  • Mockbank fix for empty list of account if the requested account is not in the list of the accounts of the user used to login. Now we return an SCA error "access denied"
  • Bulk in BE Belfius: even in case of canceled or denied SCA, the payment was placed. Fixed. An SCA error is sent like in single payment.
  • When authorization is using a code exchange and the code is missing in the URL passed to the finalize call, we now raise an SCA error "Authorization code missing from the query string."
  • LU Spuerkeess: get transaction was always sending negative amount. Fixed.
  • AT HypoNeo: fixed missing parameter in finalize and status resulting in an error "PSU not authorized for this operation".
  • AT Volksbank: added the switch in the call to the bank to check the balance and reject the payment in case of insufficient funds.
  • IT Illimity: error raised from the bank because the sum of lengths of creditor should be under a limit. To prevent it, only the creditor country is sent to the bank since they are optional.

New fields in PIS options

In order to address the requirements for IT BPER bank (see previous list) and be prepared for future similar requirements, we have added in options the browser/PSU data requested to initiate a payment:

PsuIpPort, PsuAccept, PsuAcceptCharset, PsuAcceptEncoding, PsuAcceptLanguage, PsuDate, PsuDeviceId, PsuGeoLocation, PsuHttpMethod, PsuLastLoggedTime, PsuReferer, PsuUserAgent.

You can always send those information, we will use them only when necessary. You pass it through the payment request's fields paymentInitiationRequest.psu*.

For the moment, only PsuUserAgent in BPER is required. Please note that PsuIp was already and always required to initiate a payment.

New connectors

Those connectors has been released for testing

  • GR NBG / National Bank of Greece
  • BE Aion, Credex, Ellou
  • PL Aion