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We are describing here the Gateway mode. See this page for explanations.

How to get started

Company website: https://www.exthand.com

You'll find the API description in this doc or a Swagger file available in your instance of Docker URL of your Docker/swagger/index.html

Create an account

Go to https://developer.bankingsdk.com and register yourself and your company.
Create an application, get the application key and secret.
Store the secret in a safe place.
Send us ( support at exthand.com) your application key and company key. We'll provide you a license key.

From there, you'll be able to debug your test calls in real time, to get bank transactions and balances or initiate payments.

Run BankingSDK Docker

To use Exthand:Gateway to connect to banks, you also have to install a Docker container in your own cloud infrastrucutre.
Docker container might be found here: https://hub.docker.com/r/bankingsdk/bankingsdkdockerapi/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated

You have to install it first (read Docker Configuration in Documentation guide).
Then, use this nuget to call the Docker and get access to bank APIs.

Postman collection and environment

You can find a Postman collection and environment that can help you building the calls.


Will it be for account access or payment initiation, banks have different behaviors. If you handle the options, you will be ready for every banks. See section Connector options for more informations.