Version 4.0.25
20 days ago by Michael Anderlin
Changes related to version 4.0.24
handling of decimals
We had errors because we were receiving more than two decimals. We added a validation on this.
The process is:
- we trim the supplied amount to two decimals
- we look if those truncated decimals are significant
- In that case, we raise an error "The amount {amount} is not supported. It can have a maximum of two decimal digits."
- If not, we process the payment with two decimals.
Connectors improvements
- SE
- ICA Banken: fix error in payment.
- Danskebank: improvement of remittance. The bank has only on field to store a remittance, limited to 12 chars. If no structured remittance is provided, we take the unstructured if any and store it in this reference field sent to the bank. If more than 12 chars is provided, an error is raised.
- EU Wise: added structured remittance support. Limited to 35chars, 18 in UK.
- BE
- BNP: fix error when not supplying any remittance.
- PT CGD: fix balance type sent. CGD is sending CLBD that is changing during the day. We convert it to ITBD.
The logic is this one:- if we don't received an ITBD, we convert the CLBD to ITBD
- else, we remove the CLBD.
- fix for error from the .bank complaining about too many consent requests.
- changed the AIS linking option from Separate to Linked (see this section). This means that to add an account, you must supply all the accounts you already have for this PSU. Note that it's automatic in Gateway/SkyBridge.