Account schemes

Here are the schemes reference currently used:

3BANKInternal bank identifier for an account. Used in Revolut.
18CPANCard Primary Account Number (masked or plain)
19BBANBasic Bank Account Number
BBAN is short for Basic Bank Account Number. It represents a country-specific bank account number. The BBAN is the last part of the IBAN when used for international funds transfers. Every country has it’s specific BBAN format and length depending on its own standards. Currently there is no common EU or other standard unifying the BBAN. This is where the IBAN was introduced to help standardise international bank transfers.
20IBANInternational Bank Account Number
The International Bank Account Number is a unique identifier helping banks process payments from person to person automatically. The IBAN contains all necessary information of the owner if a bank account such as the account number, bank and branch information and country code. Although no uniform length has been established for SEPA countries, the IBAN cannot exceed 34 characters. Most countries however, have different fixed lengths. Our validator automatically detects the country and length of the IBAN in order to make an accurate validation.
22BGNRSwedish BankGiro account number. Used in domestic swedish giro payments
23PGNRSwedish PlusGiro account number. Used in domestic swedish giro payments
24GBSCANSort Code Account Number. Used in UK, consist of the Sort Code to identify the bank and the account number.
25EMAILUsed by Paypal to identify the account since it's internal.
27MSISDNMSISDN stands for Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number and is a unique identifier for a mobile subscriber on a mobile network