Additional properties requested
Some banks requires additional properties. Those properties are not stored as direct fields in the PIS or AIS options but they are gathered in the field additionalPropertiesRequested as a list of:
- Name: the name of this field. Will be used to send us the value;
- Title: the title, intended to be displayed to the user. Always in English;
- Description: the description, intended to be displayed to the user. Always in English;
- Required: boolean, true if the property is required;
- Template: regular expression for you to validate the input. Null if there aren't any.
You will find one additionalPropertiesRequested field by product/payment type (Domestic, SEPA, Instant...) because they may vary from one to the other.
They may be also different for AIS and PIS.
You can download the CSV texts list for AIS and CSV texts list for PIS
Example for connector 47:
"sepaCreditTransfers": {
"additionalPropertiesRequested": [
"name": "psuId",
"title": "Client id",
"required": true,
"description": "Your client id for the bank",
"template": null
You have to provide the value for psuId in the paymentInitiationRequest:
"paymentInitiationRequest": {
"additionalProperties": {
"psuId": "1976020112345"
Updated 7 months ago