Account types ISO codes
Note that the status UNKN, Unknown, has been added by us to have a status when we were not able to map the unexpected account type from the bank to an ISO one.
If you encounter this status, please Open a ticket with the connector ID and raw status you have received.
Id | Code | Name | Definition |
0 | UNKN | Unknown | Account type received from the bank does not match any known code. |
1 | CACC | Current | Account used to post debits and credits when no specific account has been nominated. |
2 | CARD | CardAccount | Account used for credit card payments. |
3 | CASH | CashPayment | Account used for the payment of cash. |
4 | CHAR | Charges | Account used for charges if different from the account for payment. |
5 | CISH | CashIncome | Account used for payment of income if different from the current cash account |
6 | COMM | Commission | Account used for commission if different from the account for payment. |
7 | CPAC | ClearingParticipantSettlementAccount | Account used to post settlement debit and credit entries on behalf of a designated Clearing Participant. |
8 | LLSV | LimitedLiquiditySavingsAccount | Account used for savings with special interest and withdrawal terms. |
9 | LOAN | Loan | Account used for loans. |
10 | MGLD | MarginalLending | Account used for a marginal lending facility. |
11 | MOMA | MoneyMarket | "Account used for money markets if different from the cash account." |
12 | NREX | NonResidentExternal | Account used for non-resident external. |
13 | ODFT | Overdraft | Account is used for overdrafts. |
14 | ONDP | OverNightDeposit | Account used for overnight deposits. |
15 | OTHR | OtherAccount | Account not otherwise specified. |
16 | SACC | Settlement | Account used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing and settlement system. |
17 | SLRY | Salary | Accounts used for salary payments. |
18 | SVGS | Savings | Account used for savings. |
19 | TAXE | Tax | Account used for taxes if different from the account for payment. |
20 | TRAN | TransactingAccount | A transacting account is the most basic type of bank account that you can get. The main difference between transaction and cheque accounts is that you usually do not get a cheque book with your transacting account and neither are you offered an overdraft facility. |
21 | TRAS | CashTrading | Account used for trading if different from the current cash account. |
22 | VACC | VirtualAccount | Account created virtually to facilitate collection and reconciliation. |
23 | NFCA | NonResidentForeignCurrencyAccount | Non-Resident Individual / Entity Foreign Current held domestically. |
Updated about 1 year ago