Account types ISO codes

Note that the status UNKN, Unknown, has been added by us to have a status when we were not able to map the unexpected account type from the bank to an ISO one.

If you encounter this status, please Open a ticket with the connector ID and raw status you have received.

0UNKNUnknownAccount type received from the bank does not match any known code.
1CACCCurrentAccount used to post debits and credits when no specific account has been nominated.
2CARDCardAccountAccount used for credit card payments.
3CASHCashPaymentAccount used for the payment of cash.
4CHARChargesAccount used for charges if different from the account for
5CISHCashIncomeAccount used for payment of income if different from the current cash account
6COMMCommissionAccount used for commission if different from the account
for payment.
7CPACClearingParticipantSettlementAccountAccount used to post settlement debit and credit entries on behalf of a designated Clearing Participant.
8LLSVLimitedLiquiditySavingsAccountAccount used for savings with special interest and withdrawal terms.
9LOANLoanAccount used for loans.
10MGLDMarginalLendingAccount used for a marginal lending facility.
11MOMAMoneyMarket"Account used for money markets if different from the cash
12NREXNonResidentExternalAccount used for non-resident external.
13ODFTOverdraftAccount is used for overdrafts.
14ONDPOverNightDepositAccount used for overnight deposits.
15OTHROtherAccountAccount not otherwise specified.
16SACCSettlementAccount used to post debit and credit entries, as a result of transactions cleared and settled through a specific clearing and settlement system.
17SLRYSalaryAccounts used for salary payments.
18SVGSSavingsAccount used for savings.
19TAXETaxAccount used for taxes if different from the account for
20TRANTransactingAccountA transacting account is the most basic type of bank account that you can get. The main difference between transaction and cheque accounts is that you usually do not get a cheque book with your transacting account and neither are you offered an overdraft facility.
21TRASCashTradingAccount used for trading if different from the current cash
22VACCVirtualAccountAccount created virtually to facilitate collection and reconciliation.
23NFCANonResidentForeignCurrencyAccountNon-Resident Individual / Entity Foreign Current held domestically.