User registration
Will it be in Private mode or in Gateway mode, you need to register the user.
Gateway mode
We will need to store some information related to the current PSU in our system and update them during the calls. So we need to have an identification of that PSU for each call (see PSU registration in Gateway). You'll find a registration endpoint to enroll the PSU in our system. In response, you will receive a PSU id, what we call user context.
Registering the same user with the same data will give you the same PSU id.
For AIS services, since we will query PSU account's data in background and save them in our storage, we need to be sure that he has approved the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy. To not confuse the PSU and not break your design, we let you present them and tell us that they have been accepted in the call to registration endpoint in the field validatedVersionTC that should be assigned the T&C version number. To get these T&C and Privacy you can
To do that, you can fetch the latest T&C and Privacy by calling the appropriate endpoint. You will get a simply formatted HTML in the fields tc and privacy that you can design with you own CSS. You can have the available languages and get them in existing languages.
For PIS services, even though you need to register the PSU, since it's a one shot consent, you don't need to make Terms & Conditions and Privacy acceptance mandatory. Of course, if you use both AIS and PIS services, you need to make them accepted before using the AIS services.
Another trick is that, if you don't have user registration in your app (e.g. non returning users for one shot payment), you can register the PSU with dummy data. Be sure to have different dummy data by users since we might be saving some information concerning one user that will not work with another one.
Sequence summary
- get latest T&C (AIS only)
- present them and make them accepted by the PSU (only for AIS)
- call register user and associate the response with you user in your storage
Private mode
The docker doesn't store any information. You are responsible to store the Contexts and provide them back to the docker with the next call.
In this mode, you are handling completely your own Terms & Conditions and the Privacy. You cannot get and present ours.
Nevertheless, prior to user any end-point for AIS and PIS, you must call the register endpoint for this user. For TPPs, the end-point is different, you must use this one. Out of this call you receive the user context that you have to save for this user in your storage.
You shouldn't call the register endpoint multiple time for the same connector or you'll create different user context for the same PSU!
Updated 7 months ago