
In Private mode, since you are onboarded in each bank with your TPP status, you can use the sandbox of banks by setting the sandbox field to true in the configuration. The connector will use the right configuration to reach the sandbox whenever you set the sandbox flag to true.

In Gateway mode, you are not registered in banks and you don't need to, we have done it. Hence you don't have sandbox credentials and you cannot use the sandbox of the banks.

Will it be in Private mode or in Gateway, we have a connector to the powerful and incredible tool: MockBank .

We provide sample data to test simple scenarii of your product. You'll find more details below.

To be able to tests all uses cases (payment failure due to lack of funds, negative balances, etc), you'll have to register with MockBank and create your own test set. You can reach them here: [email protected]

Technical Implementation

You have to use connector id -1

Your Docker container (Private mode or Gateway Mode) must run in production mode, set"sandbox":false in the config.json file.

The "user" must be passed in the request in the field AdditionalPropertiesRequested like:

  "additionalProperties": {
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "useRedirectSCA": "Y"

Note that there is another additional field, useRedirectSCA, that allows you to use embedded and decoupled flows.
useRedirectSCA can be Y (yes) or N (no). "Y" (Yes) means use redirect approach.

When you supply "N" (No), you will be prompted to select the approach method that you have defined in the configuration of your Mockbank account > Test customer > edit one customer > SCA Method.

It can be an embedded, like a SMS simulation by entering a fixed value that you have defined or a decoupled that has to be validated in the Mockbank's interface. So you'll need to access to your mockbank account to validate the decoupled and also for embedded.

Please check the AIS and PIS options end-points.

Sample data

You can try payment initiations, getting transactions and balances using the following credentials for PSUs (end users):


user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: BE89 5494 5232 7885
id: 767d4f9c-7ff6-4555-87c3-0bf91a6ad1eb


user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: FR94 1450 8000 4043 8877 3358 G18
id: 48c0bc10-1041-454d-b195-edf730104844


user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: IT09 M030 0203 2807 2435 7384 288
id: e648c250-24f4-47d2-85bc-5658b097d29


user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: LU21 0109 9824 4938 2582
id: 84c69fd2-9093-4fdf-ab4c-4eb12ba048bc


user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: PT50 0000 0000 0000 0000 00098
id: 1820b13c-13a9-49a1-8aab-52dfa25c5183


user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: ES03 1465 7839 1817 5398 1592
id: 22cf44d6-7fb3-401b-8948-a2d1174a08cf

The Netherlands

user: [email protected]
password: 123tagadaM
bank account: NL57 ABNA 5647 9180 42
id: 0178ff2f-8b50-4715-bb18-11f6a63fb5a3