Payment Status ISO codes
Note that the status UNKN, Unknown, has been added by us to have a status when we were not able to map the unexpected status from the bank to an ISO one.
If you encounter this status, please Open a ticket with the connector ID and raw status (statusCodeRaw field) you have received.
Please note that the statusCodeRaw field is the raw value that we received from the bank. You shouldn't use it apart for the reason here above.
Id | Code | Name | Definition | Result |
0 | ACCC | Accepted Settlement Completed Creditor Account | Settlement on the creditor's account has been completed. | Accepted |
1 | ACCP | Accepted Customer Profile | Preceding check of technical validation was successful. Customer profile check was also successful. | Pending |
2 | ACSC | Accepted Settlement Completed Debitor Account | Settlement completed. Usage : this can be used by a Market Infrastructure reporting to Infrastructure Participant or an Account Servicer to Account Owner to report that the transaction account entry has been completed. Warning : this status is provided for transaction status reasons, not for financial information. It can only be used after bilateral agreement. | Pending |
3 | ACSP | Accepted Settlement InProcess | All preceding checks such as technical validation and customer profile were successful and therefore the payment instruction has been accepted for execution. | Pending |
4 | ACTC | Accepted Technical Validation | Authentication and syntactical and semantical validation are successful. | Pending |
5 | ACWC | Accepted With Change | Instruction is accepted but a change will be made, such as date or remittance not sent. | Pending |
6 | ACWP | Accepted Without Posting | Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer’s account. | Pending |
7 | PDNG | Received | Payment instruction included in the credit transfer is accepted without being posted to the creditor customer’s account. | Pending |
8 | RCVD | Received | Payment instruction has been received. | Pending |
9 | RJCT | Rejected | Payment instruction has been rejected. | Failed |
10 | UNKN | Unknown | Status received from the bank does not match any known code. | Pending |
11 | ACFC | Accepted Funds Checked | Preceding check of technical validation and customer profile was successful and an automatic funds check was positive. | Pending |
12 | CANC | Cancelled | Payment initiation has been successfully cancelled after having received a request for cancellation. Usage: code to be used in the context of APIs only. | Failed |
13 | PATC | Partially Accepted Technical Correct | Payment initiation needs multiple authentications, where some but not yet all have been performed. Syntactical and semantical validations are successful. | Pending |
14 | PRES | Presented | Request for Payment has been presented to the Debtor. | Pending |
15 | BLCK | Blocked | Payment transaction previously reported with status 'ACWP' is blocked, for example, funds will neither be posted to the Creditor's account, nor be returned to the Debtor. | Failed |
Result column indicates the perception we have of the normal behaviour of a bank API.
When a payment initiation succeeds, you should receive an ACCC code from the bank. But no, it would be too easy. Some banks will send you back ACCP or ACFC and you will have to call later the Payment Status API to get a definitive status.
ACCC, BLOCK, CANC, RJCT can be considered has definitive statuses for a payment initiation. Other statuses should be considered as pending and polling the payment status API should give you a final status at some point.
Updated 12 months ago